You guys all know that I (Steven Harris) live, eat and breath energy.  In this email [see VIDEO], I am going to show you the secret of how to charge your cell phone & your USB Battery off nothing but burning wood.  Not only that, but I'm going to show you how to do it off sticks and 'kindling' wood cut from a regular log [see VIDEO].  This method uses so little wood its silly.  I'm also going to show you how to charge your cell phone from gasoline [see PHOTOS].  1 Gallon of gasoline will charge an iphone over 100 times!!.  Plus I cook on 1/10th or less the wood of a camp fire

The question is:   How do I keep my cell phone charged during a disaster.  How do I cook with minimum fuel in a disaster?  How do I cook with a minimum of wood or how do cook with cheap, stored gasoline. 

I have the answers to ALL of this, and its even on SALE [3 Days ONLY] with plenty of video and even more photos so you can see everything before you purchase.

What you CANNOT Do ?
I've shown you how to store energy in battery banks, how to get power from your car, but what if your car is not home, what if you are in the woods, what if you want to cook something.  You can't cook from my battery banks or the car.  You are NOT going to run a hot plate or a slow cooker from a battery.  You need to cook with what I have here to show you.

What you *CAN* Do ?
You need the Rocket Stove for low fuel usage, it can burn sticks or kindling [see VIDEO], no logs needed.  With the *NEW* Power Pot 5 it will provide a FULL 5 Watts to charge your cell phone [see VIDEO].  You can also charge a USB Battery bank [in VIDEO] and then use the lights on it later in the night for illumination [in VIDEO].  The lantern feature in the little USB Battery runs for 30 hours on 1 full charge.  At 8 hours a night, that's almost 4 nights of light.


What will the Rocket Stove and Power Pot 5 Do for You ?
* Cook your food fast and easy with very little wood
* You can cut kindling from logs and use that as fuel
* You can use sticks and branches for fuel
* You can use 2x4's (split) from a blown down house (tornado, hurricane, earthquake)
* You can charge your iphone over 100 times with 1 gallon of gasoline in a Coleman Duel Fuel Stove and the Power Pot 5 [see PHOTOS on link below]
* This will give you a backup source of power that will never degrade, or go bad and will be ready when you need it, just add wood.
* The NEW Power Pot 5 has a built in Watt Meter to tell you how fast you are charging.  This lets you economize on fuel.
* All Stainless Steel and Cast Iron, will NOT burn out, will NOT wear out.
* Can be used multiple times a day, won't wear out, cook outside in the Summer and keep the heat out of the house.
* Better insulation than anyone else gives more ROCKET to the Rocket Stove

The NEW Power Pot 5, with the built in Watt Meter, The New Lithium-Ion 4400 Battery and the Rocket Stove are all 10% OFF for the next 3 Days ONLY, use coupon code STOVE10.  Click here to go see the videos and detailed photos that I took myself.

Who is Steven Harris ?
If you know me (Steven Harris) then you know I'm an expert in all things energy.  I have lived, ate and breathed everything energy since the 1980's.  I was an engineer in the Scientific Labs of Chrysler for 10 years.  I know my energy, from wood to wind to gasoline to solar.  I've done it, wrote the books and made the videos.  I'm the founder of The largest alternative energy only publishing company in the USA.  I'm on the expert panel for The Survival Podcast and I answer energy and science questions every Friday. I write energy articles for Backwoods & Home Magazine. Plus I was a Grand Award Judge at the 2015 Intel ISEF International Science Fair in the Energy: Chemical category.  I'm here to tell you that this Rocket Stove is an important part of your preps for a disaster and its so durable you can use it daily. 

What does Steven Harris Approved Mean ?  I Guarantee it.
I am an energy and preparedness expert. Many of you trust me and look to me for books, DVDs, items, products, classes, free info and the last darn thing I am going to do is let you down. I have my name on all of this. I own everything you see. I've played with it, tested it, tortured it and this is not my 'opinion', this is my 'expertise' and 'experience'. You can trust these products or you get your money back, no time limits, no reasons needed.

Get the Rocket Stove, Power Pot 5 and Lithium Ion 4400 Battery
Ah... I've  not told you about the Lithium Ion 4400 battery (and LED Lantern) yet.  You can get one when you get your Rocket Stove and Power Pot 5.  See me use it in the Video and in the Photos.  10% OFF for the next 3 Days ONLY, use coupon code STOVE10

3 Days ONLY & 10% Off
You guys know me, when I say its on Sale and to COME AND GET IT you know that I mean it because the sale WILL be turned OFF.  I'm doing a special promotional discount and sale for both the manufacture of the Stove and of the Power Pot 5.  When the sale is done, its done.  We're getting a big batch of items to be sent out all at once, that's why there is the discount.  We pass on our savings to you. 10% OFF for the next 3 Days ONLY, use coupon code STOVE10

There are 66,000+ People Getting This & Only 300 Power Pot 5's.
I have over 66,000 people on my email list, plus another 20,000 to 30,000 people on face book who will get this, plus twitter and I know there are only about 300 Power Pot 5's in stock right now.  So I suggest you order as soon as possible to be guaranteed a Power Pot 5.  10% OFF for the next 3 Days ONLY, use coupon code STOVE10

Thank you,
Steven Harris
p.s.  Most people say the Rocket Stove is the best thing they ever purchased and very happy that they did.  They can't believe how little fuel it uses and how fast it lights and how fast and easy it cooks their food.  Plus, anyone who has used the Power Pot 5 becomes an instant believer.