Coupon Code: STOVE10 for 10% off the Stoves
Silver Fire HUNTER Wood Gas Stove
This Stove CAN Cook
It has a Chimney! NO POWER NEEDED. |
FINALLY, A Wood Gas Stove with a Chimney
Silver Fire HUNTER Wood Gas Stove
ALL Stainless Steel
FINALLY - A Wood Gas Stove with a Chimney |
Silver Fire HUNTER Wood Gas Stove
The stove comes with its own Stainless Steel Chimney BUT
You can use
ANY 3 inch metal furnace ducting from Home Depot etc...
You can make it as long as you want and in any direction.
HUNTER Wood Gas Stove
NO Limitations on the
Uses Regular 3" Furnace Ducting
any size, any length, any direction.
Uses ANY 3 Inch Furnace
- Right Angles
- Any Length
- Any Bend
- Home Depot
- Lowes
- Hardware Store
- Temporary or
- Permanent |
Wood Gas Stove
Fueling the Stove
LOAD the stove up with Sticks, of any
size, leave
some twigs for the very top to start the fire. |
I Steven Harris believe in the usage
of power and
when it comes to "breaking twigs and branches" I
cheat !!! I use a battery powered saw. Makes
Life so easy. |
All pots, woks and frying pans sit
flat on the top of the
HUNTER Stove and make a good seal and all of the
smoke and vapors goes up the chimney and outside. |
You'll find the stove very efficient
and you'll have
any amount of water boiling or food cooking>
this is about 12 quarts of water in a 20 quart pot
on a FULL BOIL. |
HUNTER Wood Gas Stove
to Hold a 20 Quart Stock Pot.
Use it to cook for yourself
Use it to cook for 50 people
It will handle the job. |
The air control is on the bottom and you can easily go
from low power for a simmer to a large flame to heat 20
quarts of water as fast as possible. The control
is all in your hands. |
The Bottom of
the Stove can get Warm,
almost hot to the touch, but not super hot or fire
danger hot. Just to make sure you don't hurt
something you care about, put some bricks or even wood
under the stove to protect the surface below it.
In this case, I have a truck bed liner that could
possibly melt. There are many layers of metal,
which is how the wood gas stove works, between you and
the fire, over all, the stove does not get that 'hot'
but remember there is a blazing fire going on the
inside. Safety first, and we always tell you
everything. |
What does
Steven Harris Approved Mean ?
I am an energy and preparedness expert. Many of you trust
me and look to me for books, DVDs, items, products, classes,
free info and the last darn thing I am going to do is let you
down. I have my name on all of this. I own
everything you see. I've played with it, tested it,
tortured it and this is not my 'opinion', this is my 'expertise'
and 'experience'. You can trust these products or you get
your money back, no time limits, no reasons needed. |
Use Coupon Code:
STOVE10 for 10% off the Stoves
USA ORDERS ONLY - Canadians & everyone else need to
wait. |
Hunter Wood Gas Stove
For Hawaii, Alaska & Puerto Rico Only !!
I'm Sorry, that is the price you pay to
live in paradise. Shipping is a lot more
to get this item to you. |
Extra $40.00
For Hawaii, Alaska & Puerto Rico Only

Shipped by US Postal Service
(NOT Parcel Post)
Any address will work fine. |
Use Coupon Code:
STOVE10 for 10% off the Stoves |
SO MANY People
LOVED this SALE...
That I Brought it Back for THIS Week ONLY.
NEVER Have these books been this cheap.
Steven Harris & Jack
Spirko at
April 26th, 27th, 2013 |
I took Books and a NEW DVD to the Self Reliance Expo in
Arlington Texas where Jack Spirko and myself spoke on different
subjects. I have EXTRA Books and DVDs LEFT OVER that
I have ON CLEARANCE HERE for you.
This will be your only time to save on these books and DVDs. |
USA ORDERS ONLY - Canadians & everyone else need to
wait. |
Steven Harris Home and Mobile Battery Bank DVD. 4.5 Hours.
This is exactly the same video that I have for sale at The Video on the website is ONLINE and
Download ONLY. Right now, this is the ONLY place
you'll find the DVD for sale, at all. So if you want a DVD
copy of the video to show others, get it here. I don't
plan on keeping it as an item because I think DVDs are DEAD.
This is NOT a High Def DVD, this is a SD (Standard Definition)
regular DVD. NOT Blu-Ray. A regular DVD for a regular DVD
player. Video is $34.95 online, the DVD is only $24.95 |
$34.95 Regular Price
SALE $24.95 +
$1.95 S/H

Sunshine to Dollars
by Steven Harris
This is my flagship book, the
one I am most famous for. I tell how to get free solar
panels (I got 85) how to get free Solar Glass ( I got tons of
it) Plus how to make Solar Ovens, Solar Hot Water Heaters
and more. I took a bunch of these books to Autograph at
the Show, sold over 200 of them, only less than 100 left at this
price. |
$14.95 Regular Price
$12.95 + $1.95 S/H

The Solar Cookery Book
by Beth Halacy
I have 2 really nice, and easy,
solar cookers in Sunshine to Dollars. This book not
only has all of the recipes and methods of solar cooking
explained in detail, but it has one of the best, highest
temperature ovens in it with step by step construction plans in
it. This is the same class of solar oven by "Sun Ovens"
which were selling for $319 at the Expo, but you can build for
probably $39 in materials, or less. I warn you, Solar
Cooking is Magical, its ADDICTIVE. Once you cook with
solar and understand how simple and easy it is, you will be
forever addicted. This gives you an unlimited amount of
bread, biscuits and other baked products in a disaster when the
sun shines. |
$12.95 Regular Price
$9.95 +
$1.95 S/H

The Complete Handbook of Solar Air Heating Systems
Solar Hot air is REAL Solar
Energy. Making any one of the dozen plus of solar heaters
in this book can give you a return on investment in DAYS.
Days, not months, not years. Days! Especially if you
use the free glass that I tell you how to get in Sunshine to
Dollars. Want to save money? Heat air with sunshine
and dump it into your house on a cold day and that is money
DIRECTLY off your heating bills. This book is hands on,
step by step, with photos, diagrams, drawings and complete
instructions. |
$29.95 Regular Price
$24.95 +
$2.95 S/H

Hydrogen Generator Gas for Vehicles and Engines Volumes 3 and 4
Run a Generator off WOOD. Step
by Step Plans with Photographs, diagrams and parts lists.
Take a 55 gallon drum, a metal trash can, a stainless steel
salad bowl, a 3' piece of 6" furnace duct and a few other common
items and get a PROVEN gas generator that will run a car, truck,
generator or tractor. Gasifiers like these were $6000 at
the expo. you can make one for very little. This is
our #1 best selling gasifier book, even though its called volume
3 and 4, its the book that you START with. Take it from
Steven Harris, if you want to make a gasifier, and you can do
it, this is the book you start with. |
$29.95 Regular Price
$24.95 + $2.95 S/H

Biogas Volumes 1 & 2
A gasifier (above) uses high
temperature to convert wood into 'wood gas'. Biogas is the
digestion of organic material (grass or manure etc..) into
METHANE. This is a slow low temperature process. Once you
load up a drum (as show in this book) it will start producing
gas after about 3 days and continue for about 3 weeks
(temperature dependent, warmer = better). This is the way
you take yard waste or animal waste and turn it directly into
Methane (Natural Gas) that you can use in an electrical
generator for electricity or mantle style lantern for light.
This book is all about how to do this with simple cheap drums
you can get on craigslist from free to $20 each. |
$14.95 Regular Price
$12.95 + $1.95

Biogas Volume 3
This book details how the
Chinese make a Biogas digester. They made tens of millions
of these in the 1970's, probably 100's of millions by now.
This is an in ground unit you make. They used bricks, but
you can use cement, cinder blocks or a large cheap plastic water
tank. This is a continuous feed unit. You put
feedstock in one side each day, get fertilizer out the other
side and get gas out all of the time. Its a continually
running unit always making gas. This works very well.
$24.95 Regular Price
$16.95 + $1.95

Hydrogen Manufacture by Electrolysis- Thermal Decomposition and
Unusual Techniques
This is the best book ever
written on Hydrogen Production (right after the Chemistry and
Manufacture of Hydrogen). It describes every method in
detail. I mean it is very detailed on Electrolysis, the
complete science, it covers Thermal Decomposition (Steve's
Favorite method) and it covers "Unusual Methods" that will not
be documented in any other book. This is a thick book and
its more on the technical side than the DIY or how-to side.
Its for people serious about hydrogen production who want to
read stuff they've never seen before, and that is ALL 100%
Science, not CRAP you see on the net or youtube. |
$34.95 Regular Price
$24.95 +

This is the ONLY time you'll get this book this cheap. Its
one of our #1 hydrogen books, best there is.
What does
Steven Harris Approved Mean ?
I am an energy and preparedness expert. Many of you trust
me and look to me for books, DVDs, items, products, classes,
free info and the last darn thing I am going to do is let you
down. I have my name on all of this. I own
everything you see. I've played with it, tested it,
tortured it and this is not my 'opinion', this is my 'expertise'
and 'experience'. You can trust these products or you get
your money back, no time limits, no reasons needed. |
USA ORDERS ONLY - Canadians & everyone else need to
wait. |
Q: What are these
waiting in line for ?? |
A: Alcohol after
Hurricane Sandy 2012 |
Q: What is LIQUID
GOLD and you can
trade for ANYTHING in a Disaster ? |
Make Moonshine on
your Kitchen Table
Warning Below for Legalities) Yes, it makes Alcohol
Fuel as Well.
Watch the Video to see how EASY it is to make Alcohol |
Distiller Only |
+ $15.00 S/H

100% Satisfaction
Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
With Compete
Test Kit |
+ $19.00

100% Satisfaction
Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
Complete Test Kit - Measure Your Percentage
of Alcohol Being Produced - A Must Have. |
WARNING: MoonShine
is ILLEGAL in the USA !... but... | we know that alcohol, moonshine, etc is a great
trading commodity during a disaster. After Hurricane Sandy
hit Pennsylvania, the "State Alcohol Stores" were shut down for
2 days. On day 3 there was a line of people going in and
out of it like ants. Half the shelves were empty.
Boy do we have an alcohol issue in this country.
People will do anything for alcohol especially if everything is
shut down for a week. You can trade a water bottle full of
moonshine for just about anything; toilet paper, ammo, fuel, you
name it. (I'd put in 80 proof 'moonshine' in bottles, NOT
180 proof I show how to make, that is for making triple
distilled top shelf stuff).
1. It is NOT illegal to own a Moonshine Still in the USA.
2. It *IS* 100% ILLEGAL to DISTILL ANY amount (even 1
drop) of moonshine in the USA without a permit.
So if you want to make moonshine I'd suggest you store it in
regular water battles, 8 or 16 oz water bottles. Put them
back in the case and put them on the shelf with your regular
water. They will look the same. I show you HOW 100%
in the video above how easy it is to make alcohol fuel for cars,
and that is 100% the same as moonshine or vodka. So if you
do this in the privacy of your kitchen, do not tell anyone, do
not drink it, do not sell it. Make it and store it for an
emergency. Loose Lips Sinks Ships and get you in Jail.
When the world has collapsed and its time to trade it, take a
sharpie and put X X X on the bottle and trade it for anything
you want. X X X use to by the marking for moonshine, it
mean distilled X times, so X X X is three times.
Ok.. so if you want to do the above legally you can do the
1. Buy big bottles of cheap vodka and keep small 8 oz
water bottles for distributing it later.
Trading in smaller portions is a higher value than trading a
whole big bottle.
Right now, in Alaska, in many native towns it is ILLEGAL to OWN,
let alone DRINK alcohol.
"Boot leggers" or Alcohol "Smugglers" will get $400 or more for
a 5th of Vodka they pay $15 for.
That is how valuable alcohol is where there is none. So trade in
8oz bottles, not whole 5th's or 1.75 liters of vodka.
( Don't believe me ? Watch Alaska State Troopers on the NATGEO
Channel )
2. Get 5 gallon pails with sugar and water as described
above and add grape juice and make wine. IT IS *LEGAL* to
make wine in the USA for personal consumption. When the
world fails, who's going to care what you do with it or trade it
for. That is ALL Wine is... water, sugar, yeast and grape
juice concentrate.
3. Learn to brew beer, plenty of videos on YouTube on how
to do this. Brew beer and store it and use this for trade
when the world ends. Again, you can make beer and wine for
personal consumption. You can't legally sell it without a
license.4. Its smarter (but more illegal)
to make moonshine BEFORE a disaster and store it as I described.
However there is nothing illegal about storing sugar, yeast and
water and then you can illegally make moonshine after the world
has collapsed and there is no federal law enforcement.
You'd HAVE to have a fair amount of electricity to do it.
So if you have a generator that runs on natural gas then you
have all of the power you need to make the moonshine. If
you have a large solar system, that will work as well. It
takes about 600+ watts to run the still for 45 minutes to make
your first batch.
5. For the RECORD. I am talking about
possibilities for what some people might want to do, both
illegal and legal, but we are talking about living in a time
when there is no law except for your 870 shotgun.
For the record, I have 100% NEVER ever taken an illegal drug in
my life, not even pot, nor will I ever do so and I have never
made alcohol outside of a location where we were making it for
Alcohol Fuel purposes with a Federal TTB Alcohol Fuel Permit.
I am NOT telling you to make illegal alcohol in the USA.
I AM telling you that it is a Federal Crime to make it without a
federal permit and and in many cases a state permit.
6. If you want to know how to make alcohol LEGALLY in the
USA for Alcohol Fuel Purposes, see ALL of my explicit details at
I talk about how to get a permit (free from the US Government)
and make Alcohol Fuel Legally.