Coupon Code: STOVE10 for 10% off the Stoves & Power Pot 5
*NEW* UPDATED Power Pot 5
and This Page Updated W/VIDEO
Power Pot 5 at NEW LOW PRICE !
The NEW Silver Fire
Survivor Rocket Stove &
The Power Pot Thermal Electric Phone Charger
Charging a Cell
Phone with Wood Burning in
The Silver Fire Rocket Stove with the Power Pot 5
Lighting and
Starting the Rocket Stove & How to use
VERY LITTLE "Fire Wood" When doing so.
It does NOT have to run off only sticks
The New Silver
Fire Survivor Rocket Stove.
This is a 2nd
Generation Rocket Stove
ALL Stainless Steel (except for thicker cast iron top)
Plus it is about 1/2 the weight (see below)
This is a 2nd Generation Rocket
Heavy Fire Clay liner on Stove Tec Rocket stove (LEFT)
NEW Ceramic Insulation (light) on Silver Fire Stove (Right)
Ceramic Insulation is light and fluffy
Ceramic Insulation is MUCH Lighter and has a MUCH
Higher Insulation Factor...much more efficient.
This is what it looks like inside the new Silver Fire Rocket
Stove with the Insulation Removed.
That is 100% Stainless Steel for an incredibly long life.
This is a 2nd Generation Rocket Stove
This is a 2nd Generation
Rocket Stove
What else makes this a
2nd Generation Rocket Stove?
It not only has a SQUARE Fire Box, as it should, with
a Round Chimney, but it also has secondary air
inlets at the bottom. NO ONE ELSE has this. This allows
for the fire door to be
closed, keeping in heat, as it should, and let air in from the
bottom of the stove.
This is a 2nd
Generation Rocket Stove
Square firebox with a round chimney
makes for very efficient
combustion plus the cast iron top on this stove is over
twice the thickness of the one on the StoveTec Rocket Stove.
This is a 2nd Generation
Rocket Stove
Here it is burning wood, with the
door open so you can
see it, normally now you'd keep the door closed.
I'll have video of this soon, but I wanted you to see
the photos of this now before I finished the video.
Would you like some
electricity to
go with that wood fire ???
Introducing the
Power Pot !!
5 Watt Thermal Electric Generator
1000mA of current on a USB Port - Charges an
iPhone in less than 2 Hours
"Biolite" stove is a small 400ma of current, charges an iPhone in 6 to 8 Hours
The PowerPot
Runs on ANY Heat Source / Stove
Plug ANY USB Phone, Tablet or USB Battery Into it.
This really great photo, is of the older version
of the Power Pot 5. The current one includes
the built in USB Power Meter (see Video ABOVE) and the
photographs BELOW.
The Power Pot 5 Watt USB
Thermal Electric Generator
1 Gallon of Gasoline in
this Stove with the
Power Pot will recharge your iPhone over 100+ times This is the PowerPot on a Coleman
Dual Fuel Stove.
It runs on Coleman fuel as well as Gasoline, the same gasoline
you have stored for your car ! The same gasoline you can
for cooking.
This really great photo, is of the older version
of the Power Pot 5. The current one includes
the built in USB Power Meter (see Video ABOVE) and the
photographs BELOW.
The Power Pot 5 Watt USB
Thermal Electric Generator
1 Gallon of Gasoline in
this Stove with the
Power Pot will recharge your iPhone over 100+ times
Technically the Dual Fuel Colemans have
silver colored tanks,
and I have several, but a gallon of gasoline in here will
be just as good as the little stove above.
This really great photo, is of the older version
of the Power Pot 5. The current one includes
the built in USB Power Meter (see Video ABOVE) and the
photographs BELOW.
The Power Pot 5 Watt USB
Thermal Electric Generator
YES !! It works on a regular Propane or Butane Stove
as well.
This really great photo, is of the older version
of the Power Pot 5. The current one includes
the built in USB Power Meter (see Video ABOVE) and the
photographs BELOW.
The Power Pot 5 Watt USB
Thermal Electric Generator Less
than 1 pound of wood per HOUR !!
You BETTER BELIEVE it will work on the Rocket Stove just GREAT.
Remember to keep the fire LOW. It does not require a lot
heat to run the thermal electric generator.
This really great photo, is of the older version
of the Power Pot 5. The current one includes
the built in USB Power Meter (see Video ABOVE) and the
photographs BELOW.
The Power Pot 5 Watt USB
Thermal Electric Generator Less
than 1 pound of wood per HOUR !!
It even works over burning logs or
over a twig fire. This is useful.
The Power Pot 5 Watt USB
Thermal Electric Generator
It even comes with a 2nd smaller pot that
fits perfectly on
top of the first pot to be used as a lid, or use it for an
bowl, or a 2nd pot etc... I, Steven Harris, would just put
water in
the unit and use it for charging BUT HECK
YES you can use this pot
FOR COOKING ALL DAY LONG !!!! While you are cooking
you are getting
FREE POWER BUT... I don't consider this a huge thing because
cooking is
measured in minutes and charging is measured in hours.
are CHARGING with this pot, you should have
the stove on LOW to LOW-MEDIUM. It does NOT require FULL
get this to charge your phone or USB Battery !! A Gallon of
gasoline in a gasoline stove will literally charge your iphone
over 100 times if you keep the stove on low !!
This really great photo, is of the older version
of the Power Pot 5. The current one includes
the built in USB Power Meter (see Video ABOVE) and the
photographs BELOW.
This is the New
Power Pot 5 !! Stove and phone
are *NOT* included. <DUH!>
The power pot, the smaller pot, the charging cable WITH the
charging meter (see below)
The nice carry bag and the instructional manual are all
The NEW Built in Watt Meter The Blue Meter to the Right of the Phone is the Built in
Watt Meter.
It tells you how much power your phone is drawing from the power
pot. This lets you
know if you need more flame under the pot or if you have enough.
1 Blue Bar for each Watt of Power being Delivered.
The Power Pot 5 will deliver a FULL 5
Watts of Power to Your Device
The "BioLite" stove delivers only 2 watts max.
Charge Your Phone
From Gasoline ! My measurements show that 1 gallon of gasoline in this stove
the Power Pot 5 should charge an iPhone over 100 times !!
The Coleman Duel Fuel Stove (below)
is running on the same gasoline I have stored
for my Honda EU2000i Generator. A little bit of gasoline
goes a LONG LONG way
in one of these Coleman Duel Fuel Stoves. Its only
delivering 3 watts in the photo,
but its just warming up, it delivered a full 5 watts of power to
the cell phone.
The Phone is
Charging !
I actually had to not charge my phone
overnight just to let it get this low so I could
charge it for all of you guys on the Power Pot 5.
4400maH Battery Lithium-Ion 4400maH battery
for the Power Pot.
Charge this battery from the
5 Watt Thermal Electric Power Pot and take your
power with you.
Use the energy in the battery to charge
phone or device via ANY USB Cable when you are not
using the Power Pot OR use the
built in 4 LED Lantern Feature
for up to 30 Hours of Light.
its Bright !
Stored Light from Burning
Wood, yes, its real.
Lithium-Ion 4400maH Battery
Energy Left Meter New Lower
Price was $49.95 Now $29.95 for 3 Day Blow out
When the battery is NOT in "Lantern"
mode and is in USB mode to charge your phone
there is this neat, very intelligent power meter.
There are 4 LED's on the side of the
battery for the "Lantern" feature. When you are in
USB mode the LED lights become
very "Dim". Just bright enough to see them.
4 LEDs is 100% charged, 3 is 75% Charge
Left, 2 is 50% Charge Left and 1 LED is 25% Charge Left.
Time to Fire up the Power Pot 5
and to RECHARGE !! :)
This will FULLY
recharge an iphone from dead to 100% about 2 times.
What does
Steven Harris Approved Mean ?
I am an energy and preparedness expert. Many of you trust
me and look to me for books, DVDs, items, products, classes,
free info and the last darn thing I am going to do is let you
down. I have my name on all of this. I own
everything you see. I've played with it, tested it,
tortured it and this is not my 'opinion', this is my 'expertise'
and 'experience'. You can trust these products or you get
your money back, no time limits, no reasons needed.
Coupon Code: STOVE10 for 10% off the Stoves & Power Pot
USA ORDERS ONLY - Canadians & everyone else need to
(Canadians, email me for a special quote on shipping, send your
full address)
2nd Generation Rocket Stove
The Silver Fire Rocket Stove
$149.95 + $35.95 S/H
(48 US States ONLY)
( HI, AK, PR add extra shipping below)
$149.95 + $35.95
Flat Rate US Shipping 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
(shipped by UPS - Please give a home or work address, NOT a
For Hawaii, Alaska & Puerto Rico Only !!
..and US Pacific Islands
I'm Sorry, that is the price you pay to
live in paradise. Shipping is a lot more
to get this item to you.
Extra $40.00
For Hawaii, Alaska & Puerto Rico Only
and US Pacific Islands.
Shipped by US Postal Service PRIORITY MAIL
(NOT Parcel Post)
Any address will work fine.
5 Watt Thermal
Power Pot
$99.95 + $6.95 S/H New Low Price Save $50 !
New Low Price Save
$99.95 + $6.95
Flat Rate US Shipping 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
** NEW **
Lithium Battery 4400 maH
+ 4 LED 40 Hour Lantern
$29.95 + $3.95 S/H New Battery Now 3X Bigger
$29.95 + $3.95
was $49.95 ON SALE 3 Days.
Flat Rate US Shipping 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
$309.95 Total
was $329.95 ON SALE 3 Days.
FREE SHIPPING* 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
*Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico
You still need to the $40.00 Shipping
Coupon Code: STOVE10 for 10% off the Stoves & Power Pot
What does
Steven Harris Approved Mean ?
I am an energy and preparedness expert. Many of you trust
me and look to me for books, DVDs, items, products, classes,
free info and the last darn thing I am going to do is let you
down. I have my name on all of this. I own
everything you see. I've played with it, tested it,
tortured it and this is not my 'opinion', this is my 'expertise'
and 'experience'. You can trust these products or you get
your money back, no time limits, no reasons needed.
USA ORDERS ONLY - Canadians & everyone else need to
(Canadians, email me for a special quote on shipping, send your
full address)
Q: What are these
waiting in line for ??
A: Alcohol after
Hurricane Sandy 2012
Q: What is LIQUID
GOLD and you can
trade for ANYTHING in a Disaster ?
Make Moonshine on
your Kitchen Table (read
Warning Below for Legalities) Yes, it makes Alcohol
Fuel as Well.
Watch the Video to see how EASY it is to make Alcohol
Distiller Only
+ $15.00 S/H 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason USA ORDERS ONLY
With Compete
Test Kit
+ $19.00 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason USA ORDERS ONLY
Complete Test Kit - Measure Your Percentage
of Alcohol Being Produced - A Must Have.
*Starter Kit* *Starter Kit*
Distiller With
Test Kit & *Starter Kit*
ONLY $299.97
SHIPPING 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason USA ORDERS ONLY
*Starter Kit*
Just add Sugar and Water 8.0 Gallon Starter Kit with Measurement
Kit, Turbo Yeast, Fermentation Lock, and Spigot Output
Gallons of 80 Proof Alcohol or 1.2 Gallons of 200 Proof Alcohol
Car Fuel in as little as 2 Days.
The Starter Kit
INCLUDES a Measurement Kit, that saves you $20 right there.
Count on this 8 GALLON quality pail to be exactly what you need
to start your first fermentation. It includes the
fermentation lock and TURBO YEAST so you can get a batch done
and ready to distill in as SHORT as 2 DAYS !!
What is nice is the spigot so you can put the fermented 'wash'
directly into the still WITHOUT having to lift and pour from the
8 gallon pail. You'll probably have only 6 gallons of
water and sugar in the pail, the other 2 gallons is for foaming
and headspace, but those 6 gallons w/ sugar can weigh over 60
You Really Need This Kit
to Start your Fermenting and Distillation Quickly. This is the
fastest way to do it.
WARNING: MoonShine
is ILLEGAL in the USA !... but... we know that alcohol, moonshine, etc is a great
trading commodity during a disaster. After Hurricane Sandy
hit Pennsylvania, the "State Alcohol Stores" were shut down for
2 days. On day 3 there was a line of people going in and
out of it like ants. Half the shelves were empty.
Boy do we have an alcohol issue in this country.
People will do anything for alcohol especially if everything is
shut down for a week. You can trade a water bottle full of
moonshine for just about anything; toilet paper, ammo, fuel, you
name it. (I'd put in 80 proof 'moonshine' in bottles, NOT
180 proof I show how to make, that is for making triple
distilled top shelf stuff).
1. It is NOT illegal to own a Moonshine Still in the USA.
2. It *IS* 100% ILLEGAL to DISTILL ANY amount (even 1
drop) of moonshine in the USA without a permit.
So if you want to make moonshine I'd suggest you store it in
regular water battles, 8 or 16 oz water bottles. Put them
back in the case and put them on the shelf with your regular
water. They will look the same. I show you HOW 100%
in the video above how easy it is to make alcohol fuel for cars,
and that is 100% the same as moonshine or vodka. So if you
do this in the privacy of your kitchen, do not tell anyone, do
not drink it, do not sell it. Make it and store it for an
emergency. Loose Lips Sinks Ships and get you in Jail.
When the world has collapsed and its time to trade it, take a
sharpie and put X X X on the bottle and trade it for anything
you want. X X X use to by the marking for moonshine, it
mean distilled X times, so X X X is three times.
Ok.. so if you want to do the above legally you can do the
1. Buy big bottles of cheap vodka and keep small 8 oz
water bottles for distributing it later.
Trading in smaller portions is a higher value than trading a
whole big bottle.
Right now, in Alaska, in many native towns it is ILLEGAL to OWN,
let alone DRINK alcohol.
"Boot leggers" or Alcohol "Smugglers" will get $400 or more for
a 5th of Vodka they pay $15 for.
That is how valuable alcohol is where there is none. So trade in
8oz bottles, not whole 5th's or 1.75 liters of vodka.
( Don't believe me ? Watch Alaska State Troopers on the NATGEO
Channel )
2. Get 5 gallon pails with sugar and water as described
above and add grape juice and make wine. IT IS *LEGAL* to
make wine in the USA for personal consumption. When the
world fails, who's going to care what you do with it or trade it
for. That is ALL Wine is... water, sugar, yeast and grape
juice concentrate.
3. Learn to brew beer, plenty of videos on YouTube on how
to do this. Brew beer and store it and use this for trade
when the world ends. Again, you can make beer and wine for
personal consumption. You can't legally sell it without a
4. Its smarter (but more illegal)
to make moonshine BEFORE a disaster and store it as I described.
However there is nothing illegal about storing sugar, yeast and
water and then you can illegally make moonshine after the world
has collapsed and there is no federal law enforcement.
You'd HAVE to have a fair amount of electricity to do it.
So if you have a generator that runs on natural gas then you
have all of the power you need to make the moonshine. If
you have a large solar system, that will work as well. It
takes about 600+ watts to run the still for 90 minutes to make
your first batch.
5. For the RECORD. I am talking about
possibilities for what some people might want to do, both
illegal and legal, but we are talking about living in a time
when there is no law except for your 870 shotgun.
For the record, I have 100% NEVER ever taken an illegal drug in
my life, not even pot, nor will I ever do so and I have never
made alcohol outside of a location where we were making it for
Alcohol Fuel purposes with a Federal TTB Alcohol Fuel Permit.
I am NOT telling you to make illegal alcohol in the USA.
I AM telling you that it is a Federal Crime to make it without a
federal permit and and in many cases a state permit.
6. If you want to know how to make alcohol LEGALLY in the
USA for Alcohol Fuel Purposes, see ALL of my explicit details at
I talk about how to get a permit (free from the US Government)
and make Alcohol Fuel Legally.
What does
Steven Harris Approved Mean ?
I am an energy and preparedness expert. Many of you trust
me and look to me for books, DVDs, items, products, classes,
free info and the last darn thing I am going to do is let you
down. I have my name on all of this. I own
everything you see. I've played with it, tested it,
tortured it and this is not my 'opinion', this is my 'expertise'
and 'experience'. You can trust these products or you get
your money back, no time limits, no reasons needed.
USA ORDERS ONLY - Canadians & everyone else need to
BUY an alcohol still in the USA.
You can
own one. You can BUY one. You can use it to legally distill water, essential oils
and fragrances and you can legally use a still to distill ethanol for
fuel uses WITH a permit. See Below about getting the FREE Permit to make
Ethanol Alcohol Fuel in the USA. There is NO methanol that
is going to BLIND you either.
You can make Alcohol to Drink at Home
LEGALLY by making Beer or Wine (no permit needed). You can legally
make DISTILLED Alcohol (with 2% gasoline added as a poison) LEGALLY in
the USA with a FREE Permit from the Alcohol Tax and Trade Bureau of the
US Government. Explicit
details on getting your license to make 10,000 gallons of Ethanol Fuel a
Year are in the Alcohol Can Be a Gas (below). Get the book.
If you want to legally make distilled spirits TO DRINK and SELL in the
USA then the Alcohol Tax and Trade Bureau has all of the forms and stuff
you need to do to become a "Micro Distillery" in the USA. It takes
a while, it costs money, you have to keep detailed records and you have
to pay a LOT of taxes on the alcohol you make.
If you are in Canada, Mexico or the UK or EU I don't care what you do
with a still. Do what you desire, its between you and your laws
and your government. In the USA, I'm telling you its illegal
to make distilled spirits to drink, without a Distillery Permit from the
US Tax and Trade Bureau.
HELP the USA OUT of the RECESSION-Create
I AM very much in favor of MORE individual owned Distilleries OPENING in
the USA (legally).
Too many BIG companies have monopolies on making
alcohol to drink. Its a GOLD MINE. If you want to know
how to make alcohol then this still and video and information is the
best way to start. Legally do it with a free fuel permit (for
fuel), then do it do it legally with a distillery permit. All of
the steps in making the alcohol are 100% the same.
Making alcohol for fuel is a higher purity than what is used for
drinking and by all means get the Bible of Alcohol (and fuel) production
titled Alcohol Can Be a Gas (below). 660 pages of 30 years of wisdom of
alcohol production! The USA needs the new businesses, it
needs the new employees and the US Tax and Trade Bureau needs the Taxes.
If you are determined, you can be the next Jack Daniels or the
next Jim Beam, or the next Absolute. This is the 2nd oldest
profession in the world, and if you get the permits, you can do it
LEGALLY and make a profit. Everything you need to learn to do this
is on this website ! I am all about teaching YOU. I am all
about YOU learning. Now GO FOR IT.
Alcohol Can Be a Gas: 600+ Pages
The Best Book Every Written on Ethanol Fuel.
Alcohol Can
Be a Gas
Dave just does not say put the
tube in the hole in the thingy. He shows putting the exact item
in to the exact place with the how's and whys
Throughout the book are explicit and detailed photographs
showing the production of alcohol, the refinement of alcohol,
the conversion of a vehicle to run on alcohol and other usages
of it. Even the details on starting the vehicle in cold weather,
the feeding of a starting material with the alcohol and more.
This IS THE BOOK that shows you the detailed 6 step Starch to
Sugar Conversion process for turning anything starch (bread,
donuts, waste pastry, flour, wheat, corn etc..) into sugar to be
fermented into alcohol. This is HOW you make CHEAP FUEL,
by converting free and cheap starch to sugar, fermenting the
sugar to alcohol, then distilling the alcohol then putting the
alcohol in your fuel tank.
This book has the BEST, the most detailed drawings, photos and explanations
of making a distiller for alcohol. I PERSONALLY OWN several thousand dollars in alcohol related
books. From 1900 to 2000+ and I must say that David's book is
the best. He made a clear tube example of a bubbler column just so
you could see how easy it was. Not JUST a drawing, not just a
detailed explanation, but a photo of one that is clear so you
can see the inside. He does this throughout the book.
This book is 600+ Pages, weighs in at 4 Pounds,it does NOT ship in a standard flat rate envelope.
Shipping is about $12 for this book (USA)
+ shipping calculated based on your
location 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
by David Blume
Alcohol Can Be a Gas DVD
3.5 Hours of David Blume
Alcohol How-TO.
+ shipping
calculated based on your location 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
by David Blume
Everything You Need to Start!
Just Add Sugar.
8.0 Gallon Starter Kit with Measurement
Kit, Turbo Yeast, Fermentation Lock, and Spigot Output
The Starter Kit
INCLUDES a Measurement Kit, that saves you $20 right there.
Count on this 8 GALLON quality pail to be exactly what you need
to start your first fermentation. It includes the
fermentation lock and TURBO YEAST so you can get a batch done
and ready to distill in as SHORT as 2 DAYS !!
What is nice is the spigot so you can put the fermented 'wash'
directly into the still WITHOUT having to lift and pour from the
8 gallon pail. You'll probably have only 6 gallons of
water and sugar in the pail, the other 2 gallons is for foaming
and headspace, but those 6 gallons w/ sugar can weigh over 60
You Really Need This Kit
to Start your Fermenting and Distillation Quickly. This is the
fastest way to do it.
+ $15 Flat Rate USA Shipping (its big) 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
Remember, you do
your first fermentations
with Sugar. Its easier, it gets you started
and familiar with all of the steps. If you
want to make really cheap fuel then you
switch over to converting starch
(2 day old donuts, expired bread, pastry
droppings from a bakery or wheat or
corn) into sugar and then you ferment
that sugar and then distill the Alcohol.
Zeolite 3A for getting
Alcohol Above 95% so it
can be mixed with Gasoline
( Zeolite is REUSABLE! )
5lbs Zeolite 3A Molecular
Converts 89% Ethanol to 95%-99%
So it can be mixed with Gasoline
The highest concentration the automated still we sell
above will product is 89%-92% Ethanol. Ethanol must be 95.0% or
higher to completely mix with gasoline in a 50/50 ratio (less is
ok as well) so it can be used in most modern vehicles 1983 or
The still does a great automated job of getting you up to a very
high proof, but the last percentage of alcohol is almost
impossible to get out with ANY STILL.
Using the zeolite is NOT complicated and I have a complete video
on showing EXACTLY how to use it ( in a stainless steel cooking
pot ) and EXACTLY how to 'dry' it out so you can use it again.
Exactly what temperatures and exactly for how long, what safety
concerns MUST be observed and exactly what ovens will work and
which ones I use myself.
This website is the ONLY place in the WORLD where there is a
video showing how to use zeolite 3A with Ethanol and HOW to
Regenerate the Zeolite so it can be used many hundreds of times,
if not more. The video is for sale below, it took a
LOT of time and money and effort to make the video, and the
video is included in the GET EVERYTHING package.
If you get the zeolite, you MUST get the video in some form,
following the very bad instruction found on the net will result
in you possibly burning down your house, I cover this in detail
in the video.
+ shipping
calculated based on your location 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
Buying Zeolite 3A from
Other Companies will cost
you 2x to 3x times MORE
Than What We Sell it For.
in the WORLD that shows you
HOW to Use and Regenerate
the Zeolite and How to
Purify the Fuel Alcohol
Alcohol Purification (by Zeolite) and
Mixing with Gasoline Video
45 Minutes - Download.
Video has STEP BY
1. Correcting the Proof / Alcohol Percentage Readings for the
Actual Proof. Full .PDF tables are provided with video
instruction. This is the EASIEST way to correct your
reading for temperature. All of the other ways are hard
and confusing.
2. Conversion / Purification of 89%-92% Ethanol to 95%-99%
Ethanol with the use of Zeolite 3A.
3. Removing the water from the Zeolite 3A to use it again many
hundreds of times or more.
4. Mixing your 95.0%+ or higher Ethanol Fuel with gasoline for
use in your regular car without any modifications.
This is the completion of the 22 minutes of free Video at the
Top of this page.
This video has ALL of the details. Everyone of them. Its
is the same exhaustive hands on demonstration that I
provided in all of my videos. Its 45 minutes JUST on the zeolite 3A use and the mixing with gasoline, so you KNOW I put
in a LOT of details.
There are NO, NONE, ZERO
correct instructions on the internet on the dehydration and
regeneration of Zeolite. You cannot get zeolite
without this video. It took a lot of work to make this
video in a manner that you can do this in your kitchen.
If you do this wrong, you'll burn your house down.
Get this VIDEO
FREE with
COMBO package Below.
Free Download 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
Get this VIDEO
FREE with
COMBO package Below.
I WANT EVERYTHING NOW! + Alcohol Purification &
Gasoline Mixing Video for FREE
+ Sunshine to Dollars FREE
($45 Savings)
This stuff comes in pretty decent sized boxes, its not
cheap to ship. Only $414.97
SAVE OVER $89.00
$89.00 ONLY
ON EVERYTHING 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
The Starter Kit includes a Measurement Kit, you're ONLY paying
for 1 KIT, only getting 1 Kit.
USA ORDERS ONLY - Canadians & everyone else need to
As Requested, this COMBO is for people who ALREADY
the Alcohol Can Be a Gas Book / DVD and Sunshine to Dollars
(and there are a LOT of you who have these...if you don't, get
Still, Fermentation Starter Kit, Zeolite
- 5lbs
+ Alcohol Purification &
Gasoline Mixing Video for FREE
($45 Savings) Only $364.47
SAVE OVER $55.00
$55.00 ONLY
ON EVERYTHING 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
The Starter Kit includes a Measurement Kit, you're ONLY paying
for 1 KIT, only getting 1 Kit.
USA ORDERS ONLY - Canadians & everyone else need to
PEOPLE ACTUALLY MAKE and USE FUEL, and save money with these
from Tom N.
I have made about 20 gallons of approx 180 proof ethanol
fuel. I runs ok in the mower just by running with the choke on
to block air flow....same with trimmer. I mixed it just like gas
with two cycle oil. I'm sure it would do better if I had
increased to 200 proof but it worked ok. I made it from sugar I
bought from a warehouse, a pallet had gotten wet and was solid
as a rock. Well for making fuel it worked fine and for what I
paid I could have only bought ten gallons of gas.
I am going to try making some from starch and sugar (garbage
donuts).....I have convinced a market manager to let me have
some that's way past the day old stuff that they sell that are
really days old.
Anyway if I have any luck I'll tell you all about it.
Tom N.
to Dollars
over 85 Solar PV Panels for Free and I wrote this book
to show you how to do the same thing. The book covers
Free solar panels Plus solar heating and cooking at your
house. Plus explicit details on getting Free Solar Glass
and Free 3000F Solar Concentrators for a solar furnace.
One of the most unique books ever written on Solar
Energy. This book will have you building solar heaters
and solar ovens in one afternoon. The biggest value in
this book is the solar hot air heaters and the solar hot
water heaters with the free glass you can get. This book
will pay for itself FAST. This is the most hands-on book
ever written in the field. Get it today. Also includes,
at no extra charge, Surviving the Blackout of 2003.
$14.95 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason
5 Pack
Turbo Yeast
Ferment to 18% instead of 12%.
Turbo Yeast with its special yeast and nutrients will
brew a full batch of wash in 2 days when normal yeast
will take 7+ days. (2 days if the wash is 85F or
Really this is 10 'packs' of turbo yeast. The only
thing I can get are these DOUBLE packs. So use
half a pack of yeast per 'batch' in your 8 gallon
fermenter. Make sure you put the other half into a
zip lock bag for good keeping. You CAN add the
whole pack if you desire. Results will be a bit
$34.95 100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed Return for Refund Anytime, Any Reason